All My Sons is a play by American author Arthur Miller, first produced in 1947. The play is based on the true story of a manufacturing conspiracy during WW2. All My Sons is set several years after the conviction of Steve Deever, and the exoneration of his partner Joe Kellor, after their factory’s defective military-use aircraft parts results in several deaths. The eldest Kellor son, Larry, went missing in the war, but his mother Kate believes he is still alive. Larry’s childhood sweetheart, Ann Deever, Steve Deever’s daughter, has become engaged to Larry’s younger brother Chris. Tensions between this engagement and the fact that Joe Kellor was aware of the defective parts before selling them, fuel the central drama of a rare get-together of the two families. The play was a critical success and is viewed by many as a poignant critique of the American Dream.
Jonathan cohen - english-language theater in israel
“I came to the … performance yesterday and I'm so glad I did! It was truly excellent across the board!
The acting, direction and production were all fantastic - and I think I must say particularly the two leads.
I was briefly irritated by some of the non-American accents at first (and believe me as a Brit that's hard for me to admit), but the acting was so good I was soon hardly noticing.
Thanks for a fantastic performance. Highly recommended!”
The acting, direction and production were all fantastic - and I think I must say particularly the two leads.
I was briefly irritated by some of the non-American accents at first (and believe me as a Brit that's hard for me to admit), but the acting was so good I was soon hardly noticing.
Thanks for a fantastic performance. Highly recommended!”